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Welcome to my Art Room

If you've made it to this point, then hopefully you're slightly interested in what goes on in the Yellow Hat Art Room, and are at least slightly curious about the creations and the artist behind them.

Well, in a nutshell, I'm Claire, a self-taught artist living in Devon. I'm approaching a certain age that makes you question what you have achieved so far in life, and what you are going to do with the rest of it now that time is starting to tick away faster than ever!

I've started painting. For real this time. I guess I've always dabbled here and there, and I have never taken it too seriously, until realising that it is what I want to do all day, every day, and the only way to make that happen is to put in some hard work and go out there and make it happen!

So, the Yellow Hat Art Room was born. Now, I have an art room. It's not cool enough to call a studio, but it is absolutely filled to the brim with blank (and some cast aside, half-finished) canvases and a tonne of paint. It's warm and it's bright and I spend most of my free time in there, so it makes sense to include it in my name.

As for the Yellow Hat? I'm not a winter girl, but I do love a good winter hat! I have many hats in many colours, but my yellow hats are my favourite. This, and I also did a personality colour wheel test a few years back, and I landed smack in the middle of yellow. According to the test, this describes -

"People who are strongly extroverted, radiant, and friendly. They are usually positive and concerned with good human relations. They will approach others in a persuasive, democratic manner, radiating a desire for sociability."

I'll take that! I'm clearly not very good at mystery or intrigue, and very obviously talk too much, but there you have it, The Yellow Hat Art Room!

In terms of what I'm painting and how I'm doing it, the thing I have really taken seriously this time is making sure I'm creating what I would like to see, not what others are doing or what I wish I could do. I'm sure with great practice I could attempt true realism, but it just isn't me. I love Expressionism and distorted views of reality. Bold colours, light where there shouldn't be light, and hopefully a sense of calm in the chaos. I basically love picking up a brush, selecting a colour pallete and just going for whatever is in my head at the time.

In this absolutely bonkers world that we are living in right now, there's only one thing that I'm certain of, and that is the art room and all the time I'm lucky to be able to spend in there. I really hope you enjoy what translates from my mind to canvas and stick around to see more coming soon!

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